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Entrance fee for vehicles! Remember to buy Jūrmala entry pass from February 1.

Morberg's cottage

  • 1.January - 31.December

  • By prior appointment
Morberg's cottage

The building of the summer cottage is a national architectural monument, an excellent object of neogothic wooden architecture, built around 1883. It was built by a Latvian enterpreneur, maecenas Kristaps Morbergs. In the interior of the building there are preserved plafonds of painted ceilings, stained glass, stoves featuring round glazed polychrome relief tiles and a fireplace. Auxiliary buildings were built in the turn of the 19th -20th century. The complex of buildings was bequeathed to the State University of Latvia. In 2007 – 2008 renovation works of the complex of buildings took place.  The desing and greeneries of the 19th century were restored. 

Hall Distance to airport Area Theatre Classroom U-Shape Meeting Banquet Furshet
Stained glass Hall 17 39 100 - - - 70 100
Fireplace Hall   35 - - - 25 35

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