The most sweetest cafeterias of Jūrmala

Jūrmala code - summer, sun, sea and wind! In autumn and winter, it's all accompanied by delicious coffee, airy cakes, a slice of pizza that melts in your mouth or truffle-flavoured French fries!
Would you like to spend romantic holidays for two enjoying the fresh air, somewhere by the water?: "Yes, but also I want that... Well, that this adventure warms my heart! And when I'll be sorting my photos on my phone afterwards, I'll want to return to THAT DAY again and again!"
We offer you a small virtual tour through the most atmospheric cafés in Jūrmala, where each café has its own special "touch" that you can feel only if you go there!
Madam Brioš
Where Dubulti Avenue turns into Melluži Avenue, directly opposite of Melluži Park, you can't pass the charmingly named roadside café/pastry “Madam Brioš”. In a place that was already a famous holiday and summer resort in the days of the first Latvian independence period, where the legendary Kāpu Street begins, Aleksejs from Jūrmala has realised his long-cherished dream of a "real" French bakery and a cosy café where people always want to return. For the locals, it is a special place of joy and peace, where everyday worries and anxieties are forgotten. If you ever set foot in "Madam Brioš", you must try the delicately airy “Mākonītis” that literally melts in your mouth. It is the chef's signature dessert that has won the hearts of many visitors and even people from other cities come here specially to enjoy it. It is a real sugar and energy bomb. There you can also enjoy a Mediterranean cuisine in the Jūrmala city style. The bakery part also offers delicious home-made bread for vegans. If you're lucky, there will also be available sklandrauši for takeaway, as they usually disappear from the counter very quickly, but fresh basil pesto or different variations of hummus are available every single day! Madame Brioš—a special atmosphere, laughter, family, love and warm conversations in a cosy place!
Kafijas stūrītis
Who doesn't know the famous Bulduri café "Kafijas stūrītis". This is the perfect place to stop on your way to the beach for a really tasty coffee, tea or a tiny sweet treat. The beach is very close—only 150 meters and you are already in the sandy beach, where the pride of Jūrmala— “Baltijas straume”—is shining in the sun.
Winter or summer, there will never be an empty table here, as it is a favourite place for both locals and guests. A wonderful breakfast is available early in the morning. The cottage cheese scones are guests' favourites—they are truly worth it! Fluffy, literally melting in your mouth, and they almost disappear between sour cream and strawberry jam on its big plate!
People come to “Kafijas stūrītis” to enjoy the proximity of the sea, the peaceful atmosphere and a cup of hot beverage prepared for you by the café owner Jūlija Paiča—all you have to do is to make a choice. There are aromatic variations of Illy coffee and a large selection of milk alternatives, the rarely available chicory coffee, and a wide selection of French teas. Home-made desserts—at the first glance, your eyes will be dazzled, as you will find not only the traditional and beloved cake "Vecrīga" that is filled with real whipped curd, but also the exotic lemon mango tart or a gluten-free dessert. The café owner's passion is retro furniture and collecting coffee mugs. Everyone who visits can spoil their taste buds and feast their eyes at the same time. The collection includes both Soviet-era pieces and souvenirs brought by visitors from every corner of the world.
Stacija Vaivari
Kārlis Leitis and Anita Siņavska from Kuldīga have recently chosen Jūrmala as their hometown. These young people have not only made their home here, but also they have opened their own small pizzeria "Stacija Vaivari Pizza". While searching for the ideal place to realise their dreams, they chose the Vaivari station building. The building itself has a special history, and it has recently found a new purpose of life! For almost a year now, it has been a home to “Stacija Vaivari Pizza”, where even people from Rīga travel by train to enjoy a good slice of pizza! This cosy little place is like a handful of sunshine straight from Italy at the local Vaivari station! Delicious Neapolitan pizza baked in a real wooden oven with that characteristic crispy edge. There are also available refreshing beverages from the Kuldīga brewery "Duna" and Latvian roasted coffee "Kalve". Oh, yes, there's also available beer “Vaivari” that is brewed according to a special recipe at “Nurme Brewery”, and the home-made Italian dessert Tiramisu!
Sitting in the outdoor terrace, the idyllic atmosphere is occasionally complemented by the train that stops at Vaivari station, scraping its "iron boots" at the stop and after a moment slowly picking up the speed and heading towards Kurzeme! There are some indoor tables available in winter, but that doesn't reduce the speed. Some visitors, craving a slice of pizza that melts in your mouth, from Dzintari, Dubulti, Sloka or any other Jūrmala stations, are ready to arrive, bundled up in their winter coats, to enjoy the cosy atmosphere in the pizzeria's outdoor terrace. But in summer, the adjacent meadow becomes like a real small Italy, as visitors, who have missed a spot on the terrace, set up on the blankets in the soft grass!
Yerevan Pandok
A family café-restaurant in the heart of Jūrmala, on the opposite side of Majori station “Yerevan Pandok”. The building itself is relatively recent, but it fits organically into the traditional style of Jūrmala. The contemporary wooden lace patterns, so characteristic of Jūrmala's wooden architecture style, add a special charm. A large Armenian family of two generations, father Suren and his son Sergejs Sargsjani with his sister Mariama, work here. There you can feel a real Armenian aura. Visitors can enjoy traditional Armenian meat dishes and refreshing drinks, as well as décor with traditional Armenian patterns. A special highlight of the interior is the large mural of Jomas Street, a retrospective of the past centuries. Everything is made in-house, from the main dishes to the home-made cakes and desserts. We definitely recommend the traditional Armenian dessert Baklava—honey with Greek nuts, but also the traditional Napoleon is very popular among guests, as well is the honey cake, whose recipe the owners are particularly proud of.
Cake to go—cake in a glass—is available in the patisserie next to the café. And why not—a warm drink in one hand, a cake in the other and you're ready to head to the beach to enjoy a nice picnic!
Café “Kafija”…
22 years in Jūrmala - is it a lot or not? That is a rhetorical question! This little place has been holding its position in one of the buildings on Jomas Street for years. Locals visit this place for a nice cup of tea or coffee, while visitors of the Dzinatri Concert Hall often run in before a concert for a glass of prosecco. And the Sunrise concert visitors, before getting the "Culture Dose", run in for a sip of black energy drink at 4 am! This is a unique place that reflects the many faces of Jūrmala, as well as its various guests. When we asked the owner Irēna Rudzinska why the café called "Kafija” (Coffee) has such a wide selection of teas (at least 25 varieties)—the answer was laconic—people in Jūrmala love tea. When you open the door, there's a bit of confusion, because it's not clear where you've entered—a mini art gallery, a souvenir shop or a café—and everything has a kind of sentimental Retro aura. Even on a grey winter day, it's never empty—tables are filled with several generations of Jūrmala residents or guests, leisurely enjoying a warm beverage with Irēna's home-made blackcurrant marshmallows. For a simple passer-by, entering this café gives the feeling that time has stood still, and the only witness, that it is the middle of the day and someone is in a hurry, is the wide window to get a glimpse to lively Jomas Street.
If you want something special, ask the hostess to brew oriental coffee in a small coffee pot that is made on quartz sand.
There's a place on Jomas Street that we can surely call a beehive! And it's called "Bitīte" for a reason, because the smiling blonde Džeina Leitāne has been welcoming guests here for four years, together with her hard-working bees! As the owner herself says—we live only once—so why not to give into this sweet sin! The owner's love for sweets is so great that she already has made more than 50 different types of cakes (including the 2022 Top Cake - Whirlcroissant) and she already has new ideas in her mind! As a true patriot of the city, the special cake of Jūrmala—"Heart of Jūrmala" with white chocolate cream—has a permanent place in Bitīte. Sweets are not the only things available at Bitīte, there are also breakfast dishes and a takeaway lunch offer planned for the summer, so you can combine a walk on the beach with a delicious snack, because where else but outdoors is the best place to work up an appetite!
Bitīte radiates youth, energy, and a yearning for ever new experiences! Like in a real, working beehive, there are people sitting at one table dealing with work issues, a large children's playground on the second floor, where a bunch of children are playing and having fun, and a sweet romantic couple hiding among the flowerpots!
De Gusto
And once again, we return to the Jomas Street. Yes, yes, there's a café or restaurant in literally every building on this street. Among the many restaurants, the vintage style café "De Gusto", which has been here for more than 10 years, has also found its place in people's hearts. Owner Sergejs Lopatins says—everything you see here is my own creation. The shiny samovar in the corner, the cuckoo clock, the large spherical mirrors in heavy gilded frames. The interior is a bit like a replica of the Louvre or Rundāle Palace. The sweet and savoury cakes made on the premises have been a favourite with both locals and visitors for years. Among Jūrmala's cafés, this place is special because it serves not only coffee with various milk alternatives, but also the long-forgotten "cult drink"—"Riga coffee" with balsam and mocha liqueur. And for those who say they don't eat sweet cakes, we strongly recommend savoury pastries—such as spinach bread, or bread with cottage cheese and garlic. That is really, really delicious!
It is for a reason that people living and working in the area have named De Gusto as the place for delicious buns. Interestingly, here you can see the most diverse audience in Jūrmala—there will be hipsters, ladies with little Pomeranian spitz in their armpits, as well as grandmothers with grandchildren who have come here to eat a piece of pie or the much-loved Honey Cake, which is said to be the pride of the owner.
36. līnija
Jūrmala has 2 places where you can spoil your taste buds with the gastronomic wonders created by chef Lauris Aleksejevs, who has been the top chef for years, as can be seen by the yearly reviews on the international travel exchange platform "Tripadvisor". The first is located at Ragakāpa, by the sea, where the outdoor café "36. līnija" is open on weekends, while the new restaurant “36. līnija” is located in Dubulti, right by the sea. Nothing superfluous—inconspicuous industrial-style interiors with large panoramic windows and a spacious outdoor terrace at the top of the dunes overlooking the seafront of the Gulf of Riga. Here, the focus is on exquisite dishes, prepared with special care and decorated with seasonal herbs and served for a real gourmet enjoyment.
Many people in Rīga enjoy slow walks along the seaside from Ragakāpa to the estuary of the river Lielupe. The almost 2 km walk along the seaside can be enjoyed with a hot drink and a hamburger or fries in a takeaway version of fine-dining restaurant.
At the end of Jomas Street, on the opposite side of Globus on Turaidas Street, you can find a café/restaurant with an imposing name—Kompots (Compote)—that found a place in the hearts of the residents and guests of the city 7 years ago and has stayed there ever since! For the owner, Larisa Gurarija, Kompots evokes melancholic memories of her childhood, when her grandmother used to make a compote from seasonal berries with an unforgettable bouquet of flavours. Both the interior and the kitchen itself are a true grandmother's masterpieces with the zigzag tablecloths and lace curtains, the owner's cherished plate and peculiar (Odessa-typical) rag doll collection that only the owner is allowed to take care of. The traditional berry pie, the Napoleon and the apple strudel are reminding everyone of their childhood. In winter, traditional cabbage soup is prepared over a live fire, while cabbage and mushroom pies, tasty Ukrainian borscht and stuffed pike will take you on a tasty journey to sunny Odessa with its own special colours! That's a real Compote in the heart of Jūrmala! Everything here has its own special touch, starting from the colourful hostess Larisa, to the cocooning interior and of course—the kitchen! If you want to create some nostalgic memories, or if you want to feel a romantic atmosphere—then you should definitely check out Kompots!